Tuesday, 7 February 2023

5 Must-Know IAM Questions Asked By Interviewers


1.                What do you understand about IAM role and how is it used within an environment?

·        This has to do with identity which reference sets of permissions in referencing resources in AWS. Roles are used to grant permission, for example S3 bucket as well as any other 3rd party applications in order to access AWS resources.


-        Create IAM role.

-        Assign the IAM role to an AWS resource.

-        Assume the IAM role.


2.                Can you explain the difference between an IAM user and an IAM role?

·        We use IAM user as an identity to authenticate into the environment while IAM Role is that type of identity that is assumed to perform certain task within the environment such as making API calls between AWS services.


3.                Can you take me through the process of creating and attaching IAM role to an s3 Bucket or any other AWS resource?


-        From IAM Choose Roles and Choose Create Role.

-        Select AWS Service, and then choose S3 under Use Case.

-        Next is Permissions.

-        Create a custom policy to access your S3 bucket with minimum required permissions.

-        Tag the resources for audit purpose and mapping.

-        Select a Role name, and then Create role.


4.                How is cross account access relates to IAM role.

·        Cross-account IAM Role in a single account is used to define access to resources. This can also relate to API calls between two (2) AWS Resources. For example: The Lambda can access S3 bucket in production environment through a clearly defined role to perform that function.


5.                How to use CLI to enable S3 Versioning and configure MFA delete. RUN: 

·        aws s3api put-bucket-versioning --bucket BUCKET1 --versioning-configuration Status=Enabled,MFADelete=Enabled --mfa "MFA TOKEN #"

·        To Note, enabling MFA Delete using the AWS Management Console is not possible, however, this must be performed via the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) or the API.

This is just for the beginners, in my next post, we will explore other interview questions to land that IT job you desire.

References: AWS - AWS Documentation (amazon.com)

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